From your Agency View, you can now execute Bulk Operations to your workspaces.
The Bulk Actions include Re-Link All Accounts, Generate Reports and Upload CSV Content!
To access these operations, first navigate to your Agency View, and click the "Bulk Operations" button above your list of workspaces.
Re-Linking Accounts: when you click this option, all the social accounts that need relinking across all platforms will be listed and you can re-link all accounts by social platform.
Generate Reports: when you click this option, the Analytics Report generator will appear and you choose the Reporting period, select the workspaces you would like to generate a report in, and choose the Advances options you would like to add. Once you click "Generate Reports" you will be able to find the report in the Report tab in each respective workspace you chose to generate them in!
Upload CSV: when you click this option, you will be able to upload the CSV file you created and choose which workspaces you would like the CSV file to upload to!